Every B2C consumer loan entrant needs our new “Consumer Loan Pro Forma Financial Modeling Tool.” Our analytics gurus built this tool. With it, you have the ability to “play” with multiple inputs, including lead costs, default rates, loan conversion rates, number of loans funded daily/monthly, average loan principal amount, fee charge per loan principal, rollovers, employee costs, overhead expenses…

We provide a solid foundation with which you can start. Then, you change the variables based on your “secret sauce.” We guarantee our “Consumer Loan Pro Forma Excel Spreadsheet” will blow you away with its power to enable your Team to “see into the future.”

There is nothing like this tool on the market today. We’ve invested our 20+ years of consumer loan knowledge and experience as a Lender in this tool. You simply cannot get access to anything like this tool unless you bring serious lending experience and Excel experts to your “game.”

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How to Start a Loan Business